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What is NLP?

NLP, stands for Neuro-Lingusitic Programming and was founded by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in the early 70’s. They were fascinated by people who were excellent at personal change, people who were amazing communicators and how some people excelled whilst others failed.

They studied people who they believed to be excellent at what they did and set about discovering their beliefs, success mindset, values, strategies and ways in which they did what they did. They focused on discovering ways in which people could quickly and effectively change things to bring about sustained personal and professional change. Today there are thousands of definitions.

Richard Bandler says: “NLP is an attitude of curiosity and a willingness to experiment and THAT has left behind a trail of techniques.” One of our favourites is that NLP is essentially an “instruction or owners manual for the mind”.

Psychology Today magazine said – “Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is arguably the most powerful Behavioural Science on the planet today”. Science Digest describes it as, “the most powerful vehicle for change in existence.”

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